Types Of Concrete Formworks And Their Characteristics

If we look into the history of construction, there has been numerous materials that were in use. 

But in modern construction, the Gray structure of the building is primarily consisting of two materials; Steel and concrete formwork in perth. The steel is used to reinforce concrete. The concrete is the mixture of cement, sand, crush and admixture, jointly they all material glue together to form the strong surface to support the building structure. The concrete has become the soul of every building nowadays. The concrete is the most popular construction material because it is safe, durable and economical. But concrete itself need the complete batching plant to make, specialized transit mixers to transport and as it needs to be poured in liquid form at the spot where the concrete is needed. To give the right shape to the poured concrete, the support of structure is required to end them in proper shape. These structures are called as formwork. There are multiple types of formwork, each has its characteristics and utility. 

  • Timber Formwork: The timber formwork is made of timber and plywood. This can be said as the oldest type of formwork. They are easy to make but have a limited life span and hardly they can be re-used. This is the reason they are good for small construction projects where small quantity is required. 
  • Metallica Formwork: The metallic formwork is usually made of steel and aluminium. They are durable and strong. Unlike wood, they don’t absorb any moisture and said as waterproof. The advantage of using metallic formwork is that they can easily be reused, because they can be assembling with the help of screws, clips or clamps. They can last for years and can be built according to the shape required. It is ideal for curved structures.
  • Plastic Formwork: The plastic formwork is generally used for domestic projects like housing projects. Where the same shape of formworks is used repeatedly. They can easily be built with the help of modular and interlocking plastic, they are lightweight and easy to store. If stored properly, they can easily last for years. But there are limited shapes that can be made with plastic formwork because of limitation of moulds.  
  • Fabric Formwork: This also one of the most flexible formworks in use. The high strength sheets are used to control the fluidity of the concrete. They are used where the structure design is non-linear and helps to create an abstract concrete structure. They are getting popular because in modern construction the structure shape is getting complex. 
  • Stay-in-Place Formwork: This formwork is used to provide enforcement to the concrete after it has been laid. They have prime application in columns and piers. The column has to hold the weight of the building. This formwork will help to keep concrete intact after its pouring and will be removed later after hardening.